blog details10 Jan

What is prostate cancer screening?

The prostate is a gland located in the male reproductive system, below the bladder. This cancer is most common in men over the age of 50. It is almost always slowly growing and does not cause early health problems. It is It is possible to live a long life with prostate cancer and never know that you have this disease.However, in other cases, the cancer can spread to other parts of the body and be very harmful to your health and its early detection helps to prolong and care for the quality of life of the human being. Our Hispanic clinic in Houston can help you with your problem, do not hesitate to contact us.

These tests seek to detect prostate cancer early to avoid metastasis and can be treated on time.

What tests detect prostate cancer?

Prostate Specific Antigen Test: Also known as PSA, a blood test.Prostate Specific Antigen is a protein produced by the prostate . If you have a high PSA level in your blood, you have a high chance of having prostate cancer, but it is not proof enough, as other conditions can cause your PSA to be high, including:

*Having an enlarged prostate (hyperplasia

*Other common prostate problems

*Taking certain medications

Generally, the higher your prostate antigen, the more likely you are to have cancer. But a low PSA level in your blood doesn't mean you can't have cancer.